


Yoga is a useful practice for children because it soothes their mind which in turn eases the body’s stress response. Research shows that the practice of yoga and mindfulness in daycare has positive effects on children. Some examples are:

  • increased flexibility and strength
  • increased coordination
  • improved attention and focus
  • a more relaxed environment
  • increased confidence


Why teach kids yoga at daycare? Here are some great reasons!

Yoga is not just for adults.

Done carefully and with professional standards, yoga can be used to teach kids valuable lessons and improve their developmental skills. Here are some reasons to do yoga with kids:

Yoga can be tailored for children.

When taught especially for the minds and bodies of young children, yoga can become ‘children’s yoga’ – meaning it can help them achieve the benefits of focus and attention, but in a ‘kid’s way.’

Yoga enhances promotes relaxation and focus.

The focus needed for yoga can help kids learn to relax and focus. Through breathing exercises and learning to take time to ‘be still’ children can reduce stress acquired during their busy and active days.

Yoga enhances kids’ imaginations.

It is no secret that children play original games while they are in preschool. Combining their imagination with physical activity is a win-win for early childhood educators!

Teach kids yoga to improve their physical health and bodies.

Yoga challenges the body with stretching, which is the foundation of all flexibility and exercise principles. The balancing acts promoted through yoga are also helpful for kids, as they help build strong posture and muscles.