0 – 18 months

Welcome to the Ladybugs group!

Two Classes

Capacity of each class: 10 children; 2 educators

Welcome to the Ladybugs group! Your child will love this spacious area. The Ladybugs group offers a stimulating atmosphere and a balanced educational program that encourages independence. We help build children’s self-esteem by encouraging them to explore new things in the surrounding environment every day.

We also provide a wide variety of educational and creative activities to promote children’s sensory exploration. To develop children’s knowledge and confidence, we offer activities that incorporate color and pure form recognition.


Great attention was paid to the location and layout of the nursery. It is located on the first floor and separate from the other age groups to avoid the noise from other groups of children, which can sometimes be a source of stress. Similarly, the games room is large and arranged to promote learning to walk, to satisfy the need for exploration and independence of the baby all in a safe environment.